Saturday, January 1, 2011

True Grit, Snatch, and other stuff because my titles always have three topics

True Grit=Awesome!

Finally we have a modern western done right! I mean we had 3:10 to yuma which wasn't bad until you had something else to compare it too. I have not seen the original in a long time so I will go back and watch it but I believe the remake was better. Matt Damon played a very convincing self-obsessed Texan (I mean aren't they all though?) who for half the movie acted like his tongue was healing *spoiler* he almost bit it off when he was dragged behind a horse. But throughout the rest of the movie his voice slowly got better it was really good acting. Jeff Bridges played one really funny drunk, i mean drunken pirates are awesome but drunken cowboys wearing an eye patch and killing people without any emotional response whatsoever is freaking awesome. however Hailee Stienfield took center stage as the balls-iest 14(i think)year old girl in movie history, from shooting hardend criminals to ripping off a seasoned salesman and all kinds of other craziness that you'll just have to go see in fact just go right now watch True Grit don't even finish reading the blog.

Why are you still here?

Oh you came back! just to read the rest of my blog? Ahh that makes me feel special!

Snatch-why? why do I see these movies ten years late?

Man gypsies/pikies are awesome that pretty much sums up all the things I can say about this movie. Epic Fight club reminiscent boxing, crazy dog chases, ridiculous interconnectivity, and one of the best meanwhile scenes in showbiz (the car wreck/milk out the window/hit and should have run). now there are a few times one must fast forward but the movie is amazing none-the-less.

Oh and other things...?

Um....Four dots haha

New Years resolution= Write something not scholastic every day (even if it just means this blog)

Oh I was in a strange mood this morning and started thinking of life in twenty years or some indeterminate time after college and i've decided these 4 things are what im looking foreword to the most. Oh and I'm assuming i'll be married and financially stable at this point.

  1. Making the rules
  2. Not having to tell someone where im going or what im doing
  3. Having friends that I choose (doing that now for the most part)
  4. Getting to spend the holidays with whoever I want, and however I want (after making an appearance at home for dinner and to give gifts of course)


  1. If you're married number two is pretty out of the question. lol

  2. I just have to say, my favorite part was the dig at Texans.
    All self-obsessed?
    Hahah. Made me laugh.
