Wednesday, January 5, 2011

smallville, smallville, smallville

I think that about covers it...

Ok ill go on, 2 days left in L-town

Side note (get it ? its on the other side)
Whoever came up with  L-Town is retarded and
 needs to be shot repeatedly, and  that can happen 
pretty much anywhere, Oh! L-town may apply after all

My brother got season nine of Smallville in the mail yesterday (yes I'm a season behind and ill kill you if you make any unnecessary revelations Ps=THERE ALL UNNECESSARY) and we marathoned out 5 episodes. I fought through the last two with a migrane that was inducing a strage liquid to emit from my eye sockets, what are these salty drops of water I was leaking? I then hit the sack quite violently.

This much needed hiatus from consciousness robbed me of some late night conversationing, probably a lot of unneeded snacking, and several more episodes of the greatest worst television show ever made. Why do I call it this you ask? well Ill tell you after these brief messages...

Ok those last two were the only time me and my sister have gotten Bear and Tate still (these are my youth ministers kids) they're over here for the morning so thats another reason it was a good idea to get sleep but I think its still 3 pro's to about a million cons.

So Smallville has crappy actors, horrible writing (except for this season so far), but it has some impressive directing, and some kind of subliminal messaging that makes the show waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to addicting!

In other words NATHAN HURRY UP AND GET OFF WORK! I am going through withdrawals

That is all Goodbye  


  1. hahaha oh Joel!!! Smallville is the BEST show ever and your going to absolutely LOVE the last season!! It's pretty amazing! :) and I just have to defend Tom Welling here and say he is a VERY good actor!!!

  2. lies he conveys less emotion than a brain dead rock, unless adamant counts as an emotion. hes adamant about whatever hes doing at the moment and thats it. the only reason anyone thinks hes a good actor is cause of how he looks
