Thursday, March 31, 2011

Slouching Towards Bethlehem

The title is a line from a post WWI poem titled the Second Coming that we studied in my Western thought class. It refer's to the general Idea that something bad is on the way.

I have recently decided that I agree.

In one of my bible classes we were encouraged to read a book called EPIC. This book emphasizes the interconnectivity of all stories. Every thing we've ever read, watched, listened too, or even written all follow the same basic structure. Why?

Well now im going to synthesize all my clases maybe this college thing is actually making me smarter. In my science class we recently discussed the fact that all order comes from higher order, the symmetry of the universe grows and grows the deeper you look. So i've made this chart of the order in stories.

  1. Medium=TV, Movies, Novels, Books, Magazines, Comics-all built upon the deeper order of...
  2. Genre = Western, Romance, Sci Fi, Fantasy, Crime, Teen Angst-all built upon the deeper order of...
  3. Type=Comedy, Tragedy, Epic-All built upon the deeper order of...
  4. The story model=Intro, Conflict, Rising Action, Climax, Resolution-Where does this order come from?
Well it must come from somewhere there must be some story that all others are based upon. There is. The universe itself has a great story to tell, and it has an intro, evil entered to create a conflict, there has been lots of rising action, and there was a prominent climax, and we are now building towards the resolution. It is at times a comedy, at times a tragedy, and always epic. There are periods where it fits into every genre, and the medium is life itself. This story is the story of reality, It is the tale of God, his son, and how there life's affect humanity.

Now we've come back to the title. The one sure fire thing of every story on every scale is that It gets worse before it gets better. 

The rising action builds until everything changes, and the story has a chance for an ending. The only problem with this in everyday life is We dont know when we have reached the climax's of our lives. 

The Norse had it right I think, They believed in the end everyone will die including their deities, they thought the world and the universe itself would end. There is one line in all of Norse mythology that denotes hope,  Few can see the glory that lies beyond the fall of Odin. They decided that the only way to live life knowing that its going to get worse is to hope in nothing but the end. Focus on the climax because who can see past it? Look , and expect the worst possible situation and then when you reach it, or avoid it, reality is a million times better by comparison. 

So with all that said... Im not really sure what my point is, This has just been bouncing around in my head for the last few days.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

punching bags.

Whoever decided that punching bags are a good way to alleviate anger, and help you get over wanting to hit an actual person, is an idiot.

Think about it, What were punching bags invented for? Yeah thats right boxers. They were invented in order to train people how to beat the crap out of other people. So yeah the encourage violence instead of defusing it.

In respect of the above I regret my last full day in town and the punching bag in my families patio. So if I ever say the words "someone stop me im bout to hurt someone" you should!

I was going to come up with something clever but, i didn't

my blog was originally titled mixed messages, metaphors and punching bags but im bored

so heres a stumble a quote and a goodbye its good to be back on campus why must school start tomorrow?

Only in Thailand

Friday, March 18, 2011


ok this is all random as in insanely random so just go with it.

You Know Your in College When...

  1. The first day you get home from break you go to wal-mart and your mom buys you food and clothes
  2. You've called home after midnight and been confused when no one answered
  3. You have been stopped by the police multiple times for the same "crime" (even if it is being in a park after dark)
  4. There has been one entire day when you ate nothing but ramen 
  5. You have pulled several successive all nighters  
  6. Fun can consist of sitting in a group complaining about homework you should be doing, and talking about TV
Here are some great stumbles that apply

AHH work

can someone say fail

If I had one wish I would wish for one day the
entire world to make sense, and failing that I
would wish that females made sense for one hour

Aren't we all!

Emphasis on 1, 5, 8, & 9

I love this misquoted website, but I thought this was the only one a
majority would get, somewhat sadly I got them all
Ok so I had lots of random other stuff I wanted to put on here but I have forgotten what they were...

also no stupid quotes today there are waaaaaaay to many to choose from. I need some sanity to come my way soon. Because random happenstance's in the last few days has been insanely mind bending. If someone is trying to tell me something I would much rather it be in writing that way I can see it all at once.

Also I want to scream several times daily but for some reason, for the first time in a while I don't know who to scream at so. Im flying a little more blindly than usual. In a sitcom, because my life has been one for a while, this would be the time when a respectable older character, or strangely intuitive younger, comes in and says something profound that makes sense of the show again.

so any profound statements? umm profanity? wouldn't that be the word for profound talking, profanity
hmm why does it mean bad language?

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Melancholy songs, and Google Earth

Its difficult to walk across campus listening to Wake Me Up When September Ends, when no one is here. The ghost town of campus is the definition of Melancholy but also strangely peaceful and freeing. When I get to walk across campus singing as loud as I want it is really fun.

But also after you get in said melancholy moods, other songs can change in meaning. Ever heard this?

You took for granted all the times I 
Never let you down 
You stumbled in and bumped your head, if 
Not for me then you would be dead 
I picked you up and put you back 
On solid ground 

If I go crazy then will you still 
Call me Superman 
If I'm alive and well will you be 
There holding my hand 
I'll keep you by my side with my 
Superhuman might/my

If not, go listen now! its called Kryptonite by 3 Doors Down

Now that you've heard it, Its a positive song right? well get all slightly sad, or nostalgic, or downright depressed It works all the same. It now sounds like a sad song a someones remembering an event or a person that wont ever be the same again. And that person (if you take might and replace it with my like it sounds) is the only thing that really messes the singer up their only weakness. However the still want to keep them close.

Now for stumbles and such, which coincidentally is the name of the folder I put all these awesome photos in.  

These are Google Earth street view pictures

I Think this is outside of lawton or in the Wildlife refuge

I wanna do this 
and this
What are the odds of this?
sooo cool
Not Google earth but really funny to me
Stupid Quote

"Feel the rhythm, Feel the rhyme"
This was not stupid but it was a friends Facebook status and I love Cool Runnings, lets watch it the first day everyone gets back.

Friday, March 11, 2011

emo blog or best random photo site ever?

Some of these are random Photos from stumble upon but most are from this amazing photo pit  blog called
check it out for an unabridged version

Stupid Quote of the Day

"Last Night, in the night"

western thought party two over which means week over!

Only need to make it through the boredom of next week, but compared to this week a complete lack of events would be very welcome! so YAY spring break, 

update on hair dying, if the person who came up with the idea no longer insists, then I don't want to 
and so far the only idea for parody vid-blog is jersey shore if there are no other votes this will start as soon as i can find the first episode.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Touche weather, Touche

Really? ever since I can remember the weather has been the antithesis of my emotional, mental, or actual state of health.

so when I say I love gloomy, rainy, wet, cold, nasty, stormy, frightening weather know that im not joking those are the times I feel good.

I haven't added any stumbles in a long time and rarely do I ever add captions so you're in luck, or maybe you're just as bored as I am even though there is a million productive things you could be doing.

If you dont think this would be the best God humor since
the platypus, then something is wrong with you
Who can really dance good? I mean theres the Jabberwokies but who else?
we are running out of good books as it is
HAHAHA babies acting like their older is
always amazing The Landlord with Pearl
and Will Ferral is awesome watch it NOW!
oh and new addition to the blog will be StUpId quote of the day (no it will not always be written like that)

Kaylan Cobb- "Thats a door stop, they just happen"
Also look forward to a video blog of me making fun of some book or movie or tv show you can vote as to what ill be parodying in the comments. I will be imitating these guys

SO get ready for some awesomeness as soon as i figure out what ill be doing I NEED IDEAS

and within the first couple of videos I will be getting my hair dyed black
BE AFRAID, I certainly am

sooo yeah

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Don't Go to McDonalds after 9:00 on a tuesday night

This is an actual conversation from tonight at work no editing,

Me: Im dead.

...ten minutes of silence, no customers...

Kia: Joel you're really dead when you're dead
Me: Umm... why did that make sense?
Kia: I meant your personality, your personality is dead when you're dead
Me: oh yeah,... Im a zombie

And customers came abut halfway through that twenty minute conversation, yes that lasted twenty minutes and we were both entirely serious and only realized after the fact how drugged out we seemed.

Other great quotes from the night

Me: People need to wear name tags after a certain time of night or they can't get mad at me when I dont know who they are.

Me: I can't wait for this week to be over
Kia: Joel its tuesday
Me: Oh.... crap!

Me to customers (I knew them): If you order anything complicated i'm coming after you, or spitting in you're food.

Me...after they ordered complicated food: Seriously im off in five minutes so you've got a head start.

Also crappy week just saying

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Dead Blond Cow, Ignore the title

Until arriving at college I did not understand the power of music. 

I was surprised at the far reaching super influencing Indie Crap all my friends listen to but some of it hes merit, some of it can be really good. Music can say things that are difficult to say elsewhere, or any other way. 

Um this may or may not be indie crap music, im still not sure which is and isn't, and only slightly sorry to all those who are angered by my repetitive naming all indie music crap.

Still not sure it all isn't

But, I heard this song, or rather listened to the words for the first time today, 

When everything seems like the movies 
Yeah you bleed just to know your alive 

And I don't want the world to see me 
Cause I don't think that they'd understand 
When everything's made to be broken 
I just want you to know who I am 

Its simply awesome, I really Like this song right now its just very appropriate.

So if you have other music that is socially rejected for its general hipster crappy-ness, Get me to listen to it without me knowing and I might even enjoy it. You will have to disguise it well though.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


I told you people I would never lie on this blog. But I never said I would tell the whole truth.

So here it is. My brain, is arguing with itself, and its winning, both sides.

From Widdendream to Exuberance

Widdendream is a dead english word that I have decided to single handedly bring back into general circulation.

 My plan is simple. Use it on the blog, Facebook, papers, and then every computer I have access to I will add it to the dictionary. You should all help and together we can restart the use of this amazing word.

But first you need to know the definition,

Noun – “A state of mental disturbance or confusion”
So now my blog title makes since right? My life in the last two days specifically yesterday my mind was disturbed and confused but after getting off work and taking a quick two hour walk with one of my favorite peoples, and confiding in one of my other great friends. All of that made my day end up pretty amazing. 
Hannah Ketring wanted me to title this blog Suicide, Stealing, and Sex even though it dosen't apply.
Also My subconscience is a jerk It needs to go die in a hole, thats all.