Thursday, March 31, 2011

Slouching Towards Bethlehem

The title is a line from a post WWI poem titled the Second Coming that we studied in my Western thought class. It refer's to the general Idea that something bad is on the way.

I have recently decided that I agree.

In one of my bible classes we were encouraged to read a book called EPIC. This book emphasizes the interconnectivity of all stories. Every thing we've ever read, watched, listened too, or even written all follow the same basic structure. Why?

Well now im going to synthesize all my clases maybe this college thing is actually making me smarter. In my science class we recently discussed the fact that all order comes from higher order, the symmetry of the universe grows and grows the deeper you look. So i've made this chart of the order in stories.

  1. Medium=TV, Movies, Novels, Books, Magazines, Comics-all built upon the deeper order of...
  2. Genre = Western, Romance, Sci Fi, Fantasy, Crime, Teen Angst-all built upon the deeper order of...
  3. Type=Comedy, Tragedy, Epic-All built upon the deeper order of...
  4. The story model=Intro, Conflict, Rising Action, Climax, Resolution-Where does this order come from?
Well it must come from somewhere there must be some story that all others are based upon. There is. The universe itself has a great story to tell, and it has an intro, evil entered to create a conflict, there has been lots of rising action, and there was a prominent climax, and we are now building towards the resolution. It is at times a comedy, at times a tragedy, and always epic. There are periods where it fits into every genre, and the medium is life itself. This story is the story of reality, It is the tale of God, his son, and how there life's affect humanity.

Now we've come back to the title. The one sure fire thing of every story on every scale is that It gets worse before it gets better. 

The rising action builds until everything changes, and the story has a chance for an ending. The only problem with this in everyday life is We dont know when we have reached the climax's of our lives. 

The Norse had it right I think, They believed in the end everyone will die including their deities, they thought the world and the universe itself would end. There is one line in all of Norse mythology that denotes hope,  Few can see the glory that lies beyond the fall of Odin. They decided that the only way to live life knowing that its going to get worse is to hope in nothing but the end. Focus on the climax because who can see past it? Look , and expect the worst possible situation and then when you reach it, or avoid it, reality is a million times better by comparison. 

So with all that said... Im not really sure what my point is, This has just been bouncing around in my head for the last few days.

1 comment:

  1. I love this. You are wiser than you think, my friend.
