Thursday, June 23, 2011


This was almost a blog about all the books I put on my short list but this series of books stood out as something that had to be explained, and deserved an entire blog.

I was reading on a 1st grade level before I was old enough to go to school. My older brother decided that I should learn to read as soon as I could talk. Because of this I pretty much skipped the young adult fiction stage. I never read the popular books during the time they were popular with my. friends. Yet this series I devoured. Even though I quickly outgrew them I read everything written up until two years ago!

Above was a list of all the subplots, but it started to get too long and sound retarded so ill explain them differently.

Five teenagers find themselves accidentally on the front lines of a very tilted battle for the whole of humanity. their enemy is a clandestine force that has infiltrated every level of government/society and every country the world over. The series has 54 books with a continuous storyline and 10 companion novels. By the end if the series these now adults have changed so much that they no longer have a place in the world they are saving. The end result was so dramatic and so drastically game changing that the author could not top it so she went insane NOT JOKING, and MORE PROOF.

My favorite Character

Rachel- How a powerful female character is supposed to be done. Not the main character but unashamedly the most Bad-A.

Favorite Event

They create a Ghost myth about a local island by imprisoning someone the tried to turn into a new partner.

The best part about these books is that they are literally two hour reads.  You could finish the series in a couple of weeks. That or the miniature flip book along the bottom of each book.

However the phrase you cant judge a book by its cover, is proved by these;

Disclaimer: these books are a sci-fiction about aliens and morphing technology. This includes space flight, time travel, ray guns, and the ocasional pacifistic android. 

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

TV the Short list

Due to some discussion on the top five picks in TV I will start with the shows.

Firefly, first of all if you havent seen this its understandable there were only fourteen episodes filmed. Second of all every producer at fox needs to die because there were only fourteen of these filmed. DVD sales and movie tickets to the compilation movie that finished the series. made more money than it cost to film all of them. There are more fans of this show/movie than almost anything. This is because one episode or even just watching part of the movie gets everyone addicted the show is pure genius. No spoilers because I will not ruin it for you WATCH IT HERE!

Game of Thrones, As for HBO and such shows (the ones that can show skin and drop F-bombs) nothing compares to the fantasy period piece Game of Thrones. The show is a hardcore magic, dragon, elves (I think), incest, intrigue Fantasy. That takes the entire first season before you realize how strange it is. The character development and billions of subplots make every episode a mini-movie and the actors are so good you don't know who to root for.

Cougar Town, Ignore the name! because the creators do this show is friends, only in our time period and located in any-town USA. Plus the age range is made so that college freshmen through middle aged people have someone to connect with. The reoccurring jokes and powerful chemistry makes you believe that these people are best friends in real life and the show is just filmed without them knowing! If you havent watched Please Please do you will not be able to stop laughing. WATCH IT HERE!

Futurama, Another comedy and a cartoon? yes but this show may be the smartest on the list. Made by, and im not kidding, a mathematician, scientists, and then comedy writers. So yeah smart. For those of you that watch big bang theory for numor (nerd humor) thats kid stuff Futurama has made two separate languages on of which is a cipher. the include mathematical jokes that the people from xkcd would be hard pressed to get, and in a recent episode they published a brand new mathematical theorem. plus it is a perfect parody of the future, the ultimate picture of our failing reality, all in a comedy that will keep you rolling.

House/NCIS they are the same, yes one is a medical version of sherlock holmes and one is the cop version of friends but both are relationship focused dramas that do not ignore their genre.  The medical mysteries and disease ridden filler characters are there to push the story along but fans keep coming back for the relationships our favorite characters keep screwing up. Ziva and Tony? Cuddy & Greg? Gibbs Abbey THIRTEEN?

Can't argue with math
So There it is the top five TV shows Ever! In my not so humble opinion. 

What should I cover next? comment below

Monday, June 20, 2011

The Short List

People always seem to ask whats your favorite ________, Its a conversation starter. It can tell you a lot about a person. However I find myself never fully prepared to answer. I have favorites don't get me wrong but they say different things about me and I want different people to have different first impressions. because of this I have compiled a short list of my favorite ______'s.

1 Memento
2 Donnie Darko
3 Prestige
4 Peter Pan (live action 2008)
5 The Holy Grail (monty python)

1 Fahrenheit 451
2 Adam
3 State of Fear
4 Candor
5 Animorphs

TV shows
1 Firefly
2 Game of thrones
3 Cougar town
4 Futurama
5 NCIS/House

1 Final Fantasy 7
2 Think-Write
3 Cracked/Wired
4 Cardiff, Whales

and now your thinking Joel that gives us nothing at all yeah we now have lots of things to check out if we havent seen, read, or watched these yet;  but you need to explain yourself. 

Well stupid reader who I am thinking for, I will explain myself but not right now I will however every day this week cover one section or one item and why its so bloody awesome. 

For now i'll leave you with an ultimatum get ahold of these quick all subsequent blogs will contain spoilers

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Remember Your Mortality.

I have been absent for a few weeks. For some reason the extreme amount of time that I have no drive to write. It may be the absence of a hipster atmosphere that exists on a college campus or my general dislike of my life in lawton but whatever the reason im writing again.

I just gave myself a deadline by telling one of the few pople who i know will not stop bothering me until I meet it that I would send her a new draft of something.

Oh and the title well that would be the literal translation of the phrase Memento Mori. This phrase is the title of the story written by my new favorite writer Jonathan Nolan (es everyones favorite director has an equally talented brother). Though I am late at finding this story and the film that goes with it I believe it is a new muse along with my other favorite movies and books that have inspired me

So to close here is a list of Movies TV and Books that made me want to write

The Once and Future King
Peter Pan (2003 live action version)
Fahrenheit 451
The Prestige
Stranger Than Fiction
Dead poet Society
Memento Mori

CAUTION: read and watch at your own risk, side effects include: obsessive story telling, inability to enjoy meaningless television (and most sports), desire to pursue liberal arts degree, constant disappointment from new books and movies, and the wish to ignore all human contact to finish a pointless story that means everything to you