Saturday, January 22, 2011

What do to when the world has gone Insane, and other probably useless advice.

Another ambiguous blog thats not entirely from my point of view.

when the world goes crazy what do u do? When everything is spinning out of control except for (this is gonna sound cheesy) except for those few things, your north star, your firm foundation, the counterpoint, or cornerstone.

There is as far as i've been able to tell only three options (theres probably a whole lot more) these are all the ones I have used I'm not advocating any of these in fact they all kinda sucked but its what i know and some are probably better than others.

  1. Shut down= literally stop everything and try to focus. You don't start avoiding ur friends You don't not hang out with people you simply become distant you show up but seem like your not there. I always seem a bit harsher when I have shut down. 
  2. Act=pretend nothing is wrong, bottle up all your stress and emotional ughness and pretend nothing is wrong. The difficulty with this is you have to be a good actor, you have to be soo good you convince yourself that its not an act be prepared to not realize why your so angry at random times. and this also opens it up for you to trick yourself into pulling a number three
  3. Run the other direction=go back to something familiar, something that once gave you comfort. Run away from what ever is causing the stress instead of working through it. sometimes this can work sometimes its even needed, but be careful with this one because you dont know how much you have already fooled yourself and need to try and take an objective viewpoint
well there you have it my psycho babbel spiel for the day 

so here we go with other points of view

how difficult are secrets to keep? I mean to say that holy crap their hard to keep its kind of insane. Another blog I read recently suggested that it would be a good idea if everyone had selective telepathy I disagree.

If we had telepathy the world would suck painful thoughts would be bare for all to see awkward questions would be asked of everyone in the room. no one can control their own mind enough to share every thought with other people. So if we have selective telepathy nothing would be different we would still keep the same secrets and hold back the same thoughts, so it would be kind of equally pointless. 

but reading minds would be fun as long as I was the only one who could. 

and one more

when everything has changed what has really changed?

labels, places, names, responsibility, distance, acceptable actions, age, train of thought, 
the way you feel (does this ever change?)

but what has changed that really matters?
True identity, purpose, God, the way you feel (no i didn't make a mistake)

I think the truth is that there are very few moments of legitimate "change" in our lives. Therefore we aspire to be an ever changing people and claim to be dynamic individuals. But i think were fooling ourselves people don't really ever change in any way that matters. 

I know that seems cynical but hey im a cynic
and also it might be a quote from House or some other TV show 

Now don't hear me (or rather this personality you don't know if its me or not ha) wrong, People can change and change massively, but it takes an outside force of un-imaginable power to do so. 

So God or something directly from God like????

cause after all God is Love

Ha! I astound myself sometimes with my retarded musings that start from nowhere and end up having a point.

Ok off to finish work I probably shouldn't have put off (after epicifying the title of course)


  1. You fool us all so well.
    You are a really deep person, Joel.
    Insightful, wise, and deep.
    (PS: don't let this go to you're head!)

  2. what let compliments go to my head. I would never. besides where would they fit my awesomeness takes up a lot of space.

  3. I lost you about the second paragraph but, the last one was pretty much on point!

  4. Hahah.
    Joel. Really? You were excited about that?
    We need to teach you to be funny hun :)

  5. haha,I love that you said, "When the world has gone insane" as opposed to "Since the world has gone insane." Also, what is that picture supposed to be?
