Thursday, December 23, 2010

Way to true! what's wrong with people?

saw this on stumbleupon and it started me thinking...

we al do this way to much.
I do it while texting, skype-ing, even face to face and phone conversations!!
why? i think as people we are all extremely afraid of rejection, but its not only rejection I for one self edit out a lot of insults and hateful degrading comments--yeah who knew I was holding back?

This just struck me as self censoring, and I am really against censorship! Now im not advocating  being a total  jerk for no reason... or am I?

no...not for no reason

so go out there and stand up for something, offend someone today/and make someone blush (in a non-awkward way)

1 comment:

  1. This is amusing to me, because as I type this comment, I find myself backspacing and editing as I go along. It's the oddest thing.
    I know that I edit the things I say all the time. Unfortunately, in person, I don't do quite as well at editing. So, face-to-face, you generally get the real me. I have an inability to hold my tongue.
    Great post.
    It made me think.
    Keep it up :)
