Saturday, April 30, 2011

Naming the Wind... Realizing Life

It's my last day on campus of my freshman year and as I sit in my last final waiting for the professor to learn how to use blackboard it finally all sinks in.

No more...(insert depressing list of everything we've all done together this year)
but so much more to come...

This year I have learned to be myself above all else. I stayed true to who I was when I could have changed. God took me through so much pain and a lot of good that although I don't know why I really needed. It's going according to plan, even if I have no idea what that is.

But this year also made me start writing and looking back I have discovered that people can be defined entirely be the things they cause. So Instead of characterizing the person whose name I need, i'll just tell you the things he caused.

First of all he caused everything, his very existence is the purpose of everything in the story.

He causes the main characters to stick together, when they are trying to leave.

His actions cause the main characters to survive multiple deadly events.

He creates the love intrest between characters

He is generally the unseen force behind all the main events and the trick for me is to make it seem like he isn't especially now that I have told all of you

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