Saturday, September 17, 2011


I recently had a conversation that lasted way too long and was not at an appropriate level of consciousness, but really cleared up some things. I want you to right now think of the group of people you hang out with the most. Think of the ones that if you lost contact with permanently today, it would kill you. Got it? Okay now think of the most fun you have ever had with any of these people...

Right now I'd be willing to bet big money that the size of the group you are thinking of is 8 or below. There is a reason sitcoms have 4, 5, and 6 main characters. Everyone is closer in small groups. This may be cynical but who really cares. In writing you cant have more than 8 characters to a novel, unless most of the book is spent developing the relationships. In life it's the same way, the less people the more interconnectivity. 

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