Thursday, January 26, 2012

Have I become cool while I wasn't looking?

I know the title seem strange to you but shut up whatever you're thinking is really rude!

Anyways I think maybe the three+ months of no blogging may be a testament to my newfound coolness, but i could be wrong about its very existence.

I think the problem with investigating my possible newfound coolness is the untrustworthy nature of all of my friends. Frienemies of course deny any proof of my self assured amazingness, others are unsure that there building up of my ego will be detrimental to their own health and hierarchy so the remain silent. those few with an extremely vested intrest (I share a brain with a people, and theres the girlfriend) will never deny my popular authority because it woud reflect badly on their own stature in this world.

So I can only conclude that if I am imagining this I am very good at imagining things. Being very good at imagining these things of course offers further proof to my newfound popularity... I think... the truth is I have strived so long to stay out of the "in" crowd that I do not really understand what it means to be 'in"

Elementary, Highschool (middle dosent matter) I was just there known by most not by all, I wasn't in a group had no clique I was just there. Now however I think that I am in a crowd that may be popular.

The thing is I haven't changed Im just idk here going through life compleatly blind groaping in the darkness wondering how i look to everyone else.

so thats my random musings for the day Happy Birthday to me!

1 comment:

  1. I read this and thought it was someone elses blog but I really like this post
