Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Reasons Im a vampire, or soon will be

This is a scientific look at the reality that vampires are redheads and visa-versa.

Lets look at the facts,

  1. Redheads Have Higher Pain Threshold  
  2. Men and women with naturally red hair can withstand 25 percent more electric shock than non-redheads
  3. A 2002 study found that redhead are harder to sedate than any other people requiring twenty percent more anesthesia     
  4. Redheads don't turn grey. Red hair turned sandy, then white. They are also found to loose their color later in life than people carrying other hair colors
  5. Short temper and sexual fieriness are attributed to them.
  6. The sun is their natural enemy
And of course lets not ignore or ancient greeks who believed when a redhead died they came back as vampires. Of course this means that whenever if ever Chuck Norris dies then the rest of the world is doomed. Vampire Chuck Norris will kill us all...

but if we dont turn into vampires these things above should still be pretty terrifying

1 comment:

  1. The universe had to do something to make up for that whole "forgetting to include souls" business...
