Friday, September 16, 2011

Thank God for Good Directions

So today was all kinds of strange, but thank God for awesome people at wrk I think I had a panic attack. I have nothing to compare it too so Idk. I didn't hyperventilate or anything just suddenly had no control over where my mind was going or what I was on doing someone just switched on the auto pilot and My brain started running laps, I couldn't focus on anything it was terrible. But then Kia my favorite person at work came in and gave me a big hug like always and for a minute everything was back to normal.

that wasn't originally part of this post but I felt like I had to add it 

Now the title is not only my favorite square dancing song but its also a prayer of thanksgiving. Every major  decision in life God has been there to show me the way.

But I've been flying a lot blinder than usual (twenty points if you can cite that reference) and really need some direction. I've got a few major decisions that I have to make fairly soon and I'm praying God points the way. But I thought hey I could get others to pray too!

I need to know, among other things, If I should study abroad, If I should get a motorcycle, If I should stay in OKC over the summer, etc

So If you need direction, comment below and I'll pray for yours if you pray for mine!

1 comment:

  1. Joel,
    I got your back! Panic attacks are the worst, but once you realize you're having one it helps me to slow down and focus....
    I'll be praying for you!
    I'm trying to figure out what I'm doing... I'm applying for falls creek this summer and I'm not sure if that is something you would consider or not...
