Friday, March 18, 2011


ok this is all random as in insanely random so just go with it.

You Know Your in College When...

  1. The first day you get home from break you go to wal-mart and your mom buys you food and clothes
  2. You've called home after midnight and been confused when no one answered
  3. You have been stopped by the police multiple times for the same "crime" (even if it is being in a park after dark)
  4. There has been one entire day when you ate nothing but ramen 
  5. You have pulled several successive all nighters  
  6. Fun can consist of sitting in a group complaining about homework you should be doing, and talking about TV
Here are some great stumbles that apply

AHH work

can someone say fail

If I had one wish I would wish for one day the
entire world to make sense, and failing that I
would wish that females made sense for one hour

Aren't we all!

Emphasis on 1, 5, 8, & 9

I love this misquoted website, but I thought this was the only one a
majority would get, somewhat sadly I got them all
Ok so I had lots of random other stuff I wanted to put on here but I have forgotten what they were...

also no stupid quotes today there are waaaaaaay to many to choose from. I need some sanity to come my way soon. Because random happenstance's in the last few days has been insanely mind bending. If someone is trying to tell me something I would much rather it be in writing that way I can see it all at once.

Also I want to scream several times daily but for some reason, for the first time in a while I don't know who to scream at so. Im flying a little more blindly than usual. In a sitcom, because my life has been one for a while, this would be the time when a respectable older character, or strangely intuitive younger, comes in and says something profound that makes sense of the show again.

so any profound statements? umm profanity? wouldn't that be the word for profound talking, profanity
hmm why does it mean bad language?

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