Monday, February 28, 2011

2nd post tonight, or, do you ever sit back and wonder?

I have recently stood back from my current life and realized how amazing it really is by comparing it to how I wanted my life to be at each major developmental point in my childhood. So if you want to lets take a look at How I expected to be living.

Kindergarden-6th grade
Really who knew? I had a great group of friends that im still in relatively good contact with that we all just knew we were gonna grow old together. Josh, Kelby, Kelsea, Grayson, Jonathan these five people (and me) were inseparable, Now we had a few others that joined in and then fell away some great people who i love and still can't remember without feeling incredibly nostalgic. But it was us six that stuck through all of our days at FlowerMound elementary.

At this time in my life I didn't think about College but I knew all my friends were coming to the same Junior High (it wasn't middle school yet) and the same High School and thats all I cared about. Man I am almost being drawn to tears with all the great memories of those days I miss you people.

I think if I had to pick a career I would have said a Scientist or explorer, but definitely something to do with hands on in the field science without a doubt.

7th & 8th Grade

MacArthur middle School I remember the first day all my friends from church and school were both in one place. At lunch I was the first one in line out of everyone I knew (my class was right next to the caf) I was really exited about this until I realized I had nowhere to sit all my friends where still in line! So I did the awkward sit-by-myself-try-to-look-okay-with-it thing and much to my relief one-by-one all my Elementary school friends and all my Church friends came to the table they all fit in perfectly. Thus I Added James, and Kyle, Courtney, and Hannah to my group that was always together. These four have stuck with me a lil longer as in I still txt all of them off and on and when any of us are in L-Town we are together.

Here I had decided I was gonna follow all my siblings into Cameron University and Go to OU after getting my basics done.

I think I wanted to be an archeologist at this point. I loved History and knew that I would be constantly on the move, Reading books like Timeline, and Frank Peretti's Cooper Kids adventure series. Helped shape that into A desire to be a biblical Archeologist. I think it was here my first thought about writing came into play because after every book I would change what I wanted to be. And my brother Told me that I should just be them all.

High School
These were the days If I take the time to add all the friends I made and kept throughout These Four years this blog would be four years long. But I will say for the first time I really interacted with the older and younger age students I dated a senior as a Junior (went to prom twice not bragging (just learned how to do small txt)) and made really close friend with the underclassmen as I became a Junior and Senior. I can't Mention HighSchool Without saying these Names and If you know who they are YaY for you. Caitlin, Jessica, Jessie, Morgan, Xavier, and so many more you know who you are LunchtimeFriends.

At this point I knew that I wanted to get out of Lawton but still didn't see it as a possibility, Cameron was looming closer and closer especially as I began to take concurrent classes there I was terrified I would be stuck. But that terror finally forced me out I got scholarships, but it wasn't until almost middle of senior summer that I decided To come Here.

I Knew in Highschool that I wanted to be a writer. The older I got the more I realized that writing wasn't the greatest career choice and that I wouldn't get to travel. So as I began to search for a major or at least a field Journalism Just hit me and I haven't Looked Back YET! 

So as I sit here pursuing a degree In Print Journalism, at Oklahoma Christian University, with an entirely new group of friends, in a city I had never thought about living in, dating a girl I never dreamed was in my league (sorry cheesy), And just living a life I hadn't Planned I have To say Thank you God for not letting my plans work out.

If I had it my way my life would suck, Your plan was better from the beginning and still is. Help me to stop trying to plan out my future and let me follow your path. 

Thanx for making it all the way through I hope that in four or five years I will be able to add you to this list under the heading College and some of you I hope I can continue to add for the rest of my life!



  1. Id this post seemed pointless check out the one under it

  2. Not pointless Joel.
    It's actually awesome.
    You were right when you said it revealed a little about you.
    Annnd the other one is good too.
