Sunday, January 2, 2011

16 things the world needs

This is a list of random musings as to what our world desperately needs, some will be serious (order is irrelevant)
  1. smell-o-vision (seriously we have 3d tv's why is there not recorded smells yet?)
  2. the ability to send things through a phone (for instance coffee)
  3. ice cream deliveries
  4. wifi everywhere
  5. less tv like jersey shore
  6. more tv like friends
  7. stupid people alarms (cause sometimes the sneak up on you)
  8. age limits for driving licenses (like a yearly update after 60)
  9. a three question test to denote voter eligibility (what state do you live in? what is the capitol of that state? what is the political party of each candidate?)
  10. mandatory overseas experience for all citizens (too many people no nothing about the world we live in)
  11. alcohol free clubs (cause being stupid and making a fool of yourself should not be only a drinkers game)
  12.  no tolls
  13. laugh tracks and musical scores for everyday events
  14. more flash mobs
  15. mute buttons on people
  16. and these traffic lights

1 comment:

  1. Whoever came up with #2 is a genius!
    Also, I strongly agree with #11. Stupidity is a hobby of mine. :D
